What We Believe

We welcome and care for all with the love of Christ. (Really, ALL are welcome!)

We believe in the triune God.

We believe in the unity of one God there are three Persons of one substance, power, and eternity. God is wholly deserving glory, honor and worship. God created and is sovereign over all. God's creation is good. Against God’s holiness, humans rebelled and sinned. The consequence of sin was and is death, brokenness and separation from God. Yet the miracle of God’s grace is that – even with the reality of our sinfulness – God demonstrated wondrous mercy, effecting a plan by which justice would be served and creation would be redeemed.

We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully God and fully human, and was the incarnation of God's love for the world.

We believe Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary.  He lived obediently fulfilling the promises of God, as made and foretold through the prophets. Though innocent, Jesus was arrested, tried, and convicted. He was crucified, bearing the cost of sin in his body —including our sins. On the third day, God raised him from the dead.  The risen Jesus physically appeared to many believers. Jesus ascended to the Father and will return victoriously as the king of the coming kingdom of heaven.

We believe the Holy Spirit bears witness to the Lordship of Jesus

Proceeding from the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit convicts hearts; bringing people to repentance, discipleship and faithfulness. The Spirit moves and works among God's people to proclaim God's truth and loving kindness. The Spirit is our counselor, our helper, teaches us to pray, gives gifts for the common good, and intercedes on our behalf.

We believe Scripture is the authentic, inspired word of God

It reveals God’s glory and sovereign purpose. Scripture is the authoritative rule of faith and practice. It is the unique witness to God's plan of salvation revealed in Jesus Christ. It is useful in teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness for the glory of God.

We believe Christians have been saved by the grace of God.

Through rebellion and sinfulness, we deserve death. Through Christ's atoning work and resurrection, we are justified before God, adopted as children of God, brothers and sisters of Christ, co-heirs of the kingdom of heaven and promised life everlasting in communion with God. It is blessed good news.

We believe in baptism.

In baptism, believers are joined to Christ in his death and thereby assured of being joined with him in his resurrection. Baptism is a sign of, and a sealing in, God’s covenant of grace.

We believe in the Lord’s Supper.

By celebrating the Lord’s Supper, we obey the Lord’s command to remember.  Additionally, we are  spiritually nourished, united with brothers and sisters in the Church, and together bear witness to what God has done in Jesus Christ. Faith is exercised, sealing in our hearts the assurance of God’s promise that we participate in his covenant of grace.

We believe we participate in the church in order to glorify God.

Through worship, education, mission, and ministry, we seek to develop mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Through mission and evangelism, we seek to bear faithful witness to the love we have received. Because God first received us by grace, we are able able to treat others gracefully. To God be all the glory.  
